donesschen wrote in capslock_koei Dec 22, 2010 17:27
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king has herpes, it's all about the sex noises, holy incontinent gods, but now i'm only falling apart, maybe he's born with it, lolol, cao cao has it bad for beardy, this is a caospiracy, walking bunch of innuendo, is that so, what has been seen cannot be unseen, oh no you didn't, video, haters gonna hate, lololol, phallic imagery, this man controls wei's military, cao cao meow, what, sorry in advance, lu bu is a big broken slut, what a hell is going on, ahhhhhhhh!!!, cao cao, basically an enormous testicle, cao cao is historically uke, i can make you a man
umbralpilot wrote in capslock_koei Mar 09, 2010 11:31
spearboys have more fun, is that so, srsly important bsnss yo, cao cao is historically uke, lu bu is a big broken slut